Jones Lane Elementary School

The Maryland Ravens are one of the most inspiring programs we have ever seen.

We had the distinct honor to have them at Jones Lane Elementary School for assemblies two different years (2012 and 2015). Both years, students and staff were inspired by their enthusiasm, energy, and willingness to share their stories with everyone.

During the assembly the Ravens played basketball against our staff and students. The kids in the audience were engaged and excited. A wheelchair became a wanted item, an experience, instead of a disability. If a child or teacher had trouble making a basket, the teammate encouraged them to try until they made the basket. The Maryland Ravens showed our students and staff perseverance and grit in every minute they were with us. Yet they also taught students that playing basketball in a wheelchair is tougher than it looks! The teammates were independent and open about their disability and that contributed to the engagement of students.

Our school has 4 Autism/Learning Center classes. The students in these classes were equally engaged. The Maryland Ravens team joined Autism classes for their recess and played ball with them. These students were given the opportunity to try the wheelchairs after their presentation was over. The Ravens invested time in getting to know our students and being the inspiration to help them succeed.

We learned about the Maryland Ravens Basketball team from a Jones Lane staff member who has seen them before. We have since recommended them to other schools.

Our committee plans an Ability Awareness Week each year. During this week we have individuals with a variety of disabilities come into classes to talk about themselves. The Ravens concluded our week through their inspiring energy and ability to work together as a team. Our students were left being able to feel more comfortable with people who have disabilities as well as impressed.


Betsy Balicao, Stacy Kravitz and Katie Smeltz

What a great way to celebrate abilities awareness at our school. Thanks for a wonderful show! Not only are you great basketball players but wonderful role models for our kids!

— Paul Dowell, Jones Lane Elementary School.


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