Dufief Elementary

Dear Maryland Ravens,

Thank you for coming to our school on Tuesday, October 18th. It made us feel "happy", "curious", "awesome" and "excited" to watch you play basketball. When you shared your personal stories with us, we felt "good", "that we were with friends and family" and "it made us want to play with you". "I was sad when I heard about the accidents. But, I was happy when I was playing with you guys." "It was hard!" "I wondered how it felt to be a basketball player." "I feel like I should play basketball too." "I felt so happy. I liked it". "I had a good time!" "It makes me face challenges". "It made me feel famous." "Never give up!" You inspired us and we truly enjoyed the assembly.

Thank you!

Sincerely, Mrs. Morgan's 5th grade class

Dufief Elementary

The Maryland Ravens have come to our school several times to do assemblies to kick off our Ability Awareness Week. We keep inviting them back and will continue to do so, because they are simply amazing! Their message of “It’s not what you can’t do, it’s what you can do” really resonated with all our students in grades K-5. The students and staff were so impressed with the way they moved around and played basketball, despite their challenges. Their positive attitudes and motivation are contagious! If you have not had them come to your school, you must do so! They are great with children of all ages and the best part….the students and staff get to play ball too! Happy new year, Ravens!

Suzanne Pape, School Counselor

DuFief Elementary School


Jones Lane Elementary School


Caroline County Public Schools